


Common practice

Breaking Customs Practice during Compulsory Education Period#

Self-reflection on a Stupid Question I Got Wrong on November 6th - When a Cat Sneaked into the Classroom#

When a soft meow came from the corner of the classroom, my trembling pen stopped, and my attention completely left the words on the test paper. I thought, if I were Woolf, I would definitely throw the giant whale of thoughts into the vast ocean and let it fight against the towering waves. But I couldn't, after all, I was still in class.
The classroom, which was originally filled with rustling paper flipping and whispering, suddenly became unusually quiet, contrary to what I expected. However, this silence definitely had nothing to do with studying, but with waiting. Waiting for what? Or rather, expecting something? This is the third year of high school, where any boring trivial matter can excite us for a long time, while truly interesting things make us anxious. There's a cat in the classroom! But no one dares to laugh, so no one does.
The cat's meowing became more intense, in contrast to our silence. The cat doesn't understand the third year of high school, nor does it understand the college entrance examination, let alone life. Yes, the cat won't be distressed because it can't memorize all the English words, nor will it be sad because it didn't do well on a test, let alone be bored because of the hardships of cat life. The cat came in just because it was cold, and it probably thought that the 140 of us sitting here were also here because of the cold. Cat, you are both pitiful and lucky. Here, it seems that we are indeed here because of the cold - a coldness towards ourselves?
The cat strolled around the classroom, looking around, occasionally making a few confused meows. It must be puzzled why those people who rushed downstairs on time are now sitting quietly in such a small room. The cat walked to the back row, sat down, and began to contemplate the questions about this world.
How strange humans are, with only a tuft of hair on top of their heads and something to cover the rest of their bodies, even in scorching hot summers they are unwilling to take it off; their mouths are always babbling something, followed by carefree shouting; humans always bring some things that they themselves don't eat, and even share them with cats, without considering whether the cat likes to eat them or not. Humans are always busy doing something, but their lives seem to have not changed at all. And now, they sit motionless in the classroom as if they are not doing anything - not eating, not sleeping, not playing, just daydreaming.
Ah, a tall person is coming towards us, dressed differently, and it seems like he said something, and the people around him responded with a few words. The person in unique attire stopped them and walked towards the cat.
"Meow-" it escaped from the warm yet eerie classroom, and the teacher returned to their original appearance.
Ah, isn't plasma made up of digestive fluids, tissue fluid, and lymph? The teacher just talked about it, how could I get it wrong? Really, really, it's all because of that cat.
November 7th, 2018

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